The Peaceable Table

A Vegetarian Journal for Quakers and Other People of Faith

The Peaceable Table is intended for the mutual support, education, and inspiration of people of faith in the practice of love for our fellow animals and observance of a Peaceful diet

Editor's Corner: "I Am a True Beast"



The Myth of the Birth of the Hero

The Horse and his Boy (originally entitled Narnia and the North) by C.S. Lewis is a story in the mould of the ancient Myth of the Birth of the Hero. A child of noble, royal, or divine birth is separated from his parents (he may have one human and one divine parent) in infancy, perhaps like Moses is exposed in a boat and rescued, usually by impoverished peasants who raise him in their hovel in the midst of an oppressed and blighted world. But already in childhood he shows signs of being special. He may have unexplained longings or unusual powers. He may have a twin; he may have a birthmark or other sign that will eventually prove his identity as a person of destiny. In his teens or early adulthood he undergoes various adventures and ordeals, struggling with the evil powers that took him from his parents and are blighting the world. He has help from a supernatural source--a potent talisman, an all-knowing guide, a remarkable animal. Ultimately he overcomes the dark powers, frees his world from tyranny and blight, returns to his true home and family, perhaps is enthroned.


The recurrence of the story in many places and times shows that it meets a deep need in human nature. It is a myth, not in the more usual sense of a falsehood, but of a tale embodying a profound spiritual truth. It may in be historically true in part; for example, the beloved story of Abraham Lincoln, the gifted boy born in a log cabin who came to be president and guided his country through the worst crisis in its history, has elements of the Birth of the Hero story. Or it may be wholly fictional, like the adventures of Luke and his twin sister in the Star Wars saga.


Shasta, the child-hero of C. S. Lewis' The Horse and His Boy, differs from most heroes in that he is guided--sometimes forcibly--by more than one extraordinary animal. He grows to youth in the hut of an impoverished and abusive fisherman named Arsheesh by the seashore in Calormen, "the land of tyrants and slaves;" but he has always longed to know what lies to the north. Shasta one night overhears Arsheesh admitting that the boy is not his son, and bargaining to sell him as a slave to an aristocratic visitor, a Tarkaan; at the same time, Shasta makes the astounding discovery that the visitor's horse, Bree, can talk. So he and Bree decide to run away together. Bree, who as a foal was kidnapped out of Narnia far to the north and has always longed to return there to freedom, teaches the inexperienced boy to ride. He uses his strength and geographical knowledge to guide their journey and avoid certain dangers.


Other Animal Guides

Shasta's first encounter with another animal guide is less happy. As the refugees travel along the seashore one moonlit night, they detect a rider going in the same direction, evidently a Tarkaan on a fine blood mare. Anxiously they try to stay clear of the unknown. But a lion's dreaded roar from ahead on the right, then on the left, forces them and the other rider closer, until they are neck and neck. They escape the lion, but Shasta and Bree soon learn that the other rider is an aristocratic (and rather arrogant) girl Shasta's own age, and the mare another talking horse. The two animals stop, converse, learn that all four are fleeing to Narnia, and decide (over the children's objections) to join forces.


Shasta's second encounter with an unknown animal guide is more reassuring. He is separated from his companions outside the gate of Tashbaan, Calormen's capitol, spending the night alone on the edge of the desert (in an area reputed to be haunted by ghouls) that divides Calormen from Archenland and Narnia. Here the anxious boy finds a very large (domestic) cat suddenly touching his leg from behind. The beast's "eyes made you think it (sic) knew secrets it would not tell." Greatly comforted, Shasta goes to sleep with the cat at his back. He is awakened by harsh, piercing cries from the desert: approaching jackals. He sees a huge shaggy-headed animal bounding toward the predators, uttering an earth-shaking lion-roar that disperses them. Then he approaches the terrified Shasta. But instead of teeth and claws, the boy feels the comforting cat: "the warmth of it (sic) spread all over him."


His third encounter is more like the first. During the companions' separation in Tashbaan Aravis, Shasta's companion, has learned that a hotheaded prince of Calormen plans to take two hundred horsemen across the desert to raid Anvard, the castle of Archenland, an act which will enable Calormen to take over the country. The children and horses should have been able to warn Anvard in time, but, exhausted, they fall asleep.

Shortly after they reach the green hills of Archenland they see a distant line of horsemen coming up rapidly. The two horses break into a gallop. They think they are giving their all until a lion's snarling roar in pursuit gives them the new speed of terror for one more mile. The spent horses reach a hermit's enclosure; the hermit sends Shasta running on.


Shasta's climactic encounter with a mysterious animal guide takes place after he has delivered his warning to King Lune of Archenland and his courtiers, whom he meets out hunting (!) They lend him a horse and all ride eastward toward Anvard, but Shasta falls behind in a fog and takes a road going north up the mountains. At length, in darkness, hungry, cold, and lost, he is frightened out of his tears by the sound of someone breathing beside him: "His invisible companion seemed to breathe on a very large scale." Terror of a ghost is somewhat allayed by the being's warm breath on his hand. The being tells him that the four lions he met, and the cat, were only one: "I was the lion." And he tells Shasta that they two also met long ago, when he pushed the ship's boat containing the infant Shasta to the shore toward Arsheesh's hovel. As the dawn approaches, he sees a golden radiance on his left, and in it a Lion larger than his horse. Shasta falls at his feet, and receives the Lion's kiss on his forehead. Then the beast disappears into the light.


Shasta finds he is in Narnia. He sends a message to its King Edmund about the threat to Anvard, to which Edmund quickly responds by gathering a small army to defeat the besieging raiders. Shasta accompanies them, together with young Prince Corin of Archenland, whom he already met briefly in Tashbaan, and who looks exactly like himself. Anvard is saved, and Shasta, by his resemblance to Prince Corin (who is of course his twin), is recognized as Crown Prince Cor, the king's long-missing son and heir.


The Strange Work of Aslan

Many readers will know that the giant lion is Aslan, the creator and lord of Narnia. As Shasta/Prince Cor later remarks, "...Aslan . . . seems to be at the back of all the stories . . ." Aslan's guidance, as we can see, shows itself in two forms, which we can encapsulate in Martin Luther's terms "the Strange Work of God" and "the Proper Work of God." There is no question about the Lion's true nature and his proper work, which is glimpsed most clearly in the heart-stoppingly beautiful scene of his encounter with Shasta/Cor on the mountain pass. It is seen in a smaller way when he protects Shasta from the jackals, and, as a cat, comforts and warms the desolate boy. And it is seen in the outcome, the deliverance of Archenland.


But some of the Strange Work of Aslan is difficult. At the beginning of Shasta/Cor's story, a centaur predicts that "A day will come when this boy will save Archenland from the deadliest danger in which ever she lay." It is this prophecy that motivates a traitorous courtier to abduct the child and sail for Calormen. One gets the impression that Aslan must be "at the back" of this prophecy, and thus the abduction, for it is the foundation of Archenland's rescue. Aslan does not cause the traitor to do his evil deed, but in a sense he is responsible for it as well as for an unresolved consequence: the anguish of the mother, who dies without seeing her child again. Similarly, Bree and Hwin, also abducted in infancy, are crucial to the adventure; we are not told whether they are ever reunited with their mothers, who must have grieved. Likewise, Aslan must be responsible for the betrothal of Aravis to a man she detests, which sparks her flight. Obviously this ultimately turns to good: not only is she also crucial to the mission, eventually she becomes queen of Archenland. But to escape she had drugged her stepmother's slave, who oversleeps and is unjustly beaten.


There are not many such loose ends in the tale; the victims are offstage and easily forgotten in the joy of the outcome. In the "real" world, of course, it is quite different. We need committed faith to live as though the Strange Work and the Proper Work of God are ultimately one. And, in fact, stories such as this can warm the heart and strengthen that commitment.


"I Am a True Beast"

In a scene in the Hermit's enclosure after the deliverance of Anvard, we find Bree, a good creature but a know-it-all, holding forth to Hwin and Aravis that people who think of Aslan as a real animal are naive. "No doubt when [those who know] speak of him as a lion, they only mean he's as strong as a lion . . . as fierce as a lion. . . . If he was a lion he'd have to be a Beast just like the rest of us. . . he'd have four paws, and a tail, and Whiskers! " At this point Bree gives a squeal of shock and fear as he feels Aslan's very real whiskers tickling his ear; he bolts across the enclosure. Aslan summons him back: "Touch me. Smell me. Here are my paws, here is my tail, these are my whiskers. I am a true Beast."


Why does it matter that Aslan, who is the divine Presence in Narnia, is a genuine animal: visible, audible, and tangible? He has often been called a Christ-figure, but that is not quite accurate for some of the stories. Lewis, who was in many ways a traditional Christian, has claimed that in Aslan he was imagining a unique animal Incarnation of God in Narnia parallel to the one human Incarnation in our own world. The huge and enduring popularity of the Chronicles certainly owes much to the way the divine Lion has kindled and enriched the faith of many Christians, children and adults.


But I believe this image of an animal as God-With-Us also has much to offer others whose faith does not include a unique Incarnation. There are people of faith, including many Quakers, who hold that the pervasive presence of the Divine Light/Spirit throughout the world, and in particular in the soul, means that God is incarnate in all beings, in greater or lesser measure depending on a being's degree of consciousness and love. As Faith Bowman's poem "Splendor" expresses it,


Earth is charged with splendor,

Glowing, flaming with the Light supernal,

From the Still Point streaming . . . .

Every bush is burning . . .

Every lamb is holy. . . .

From a Heart we journey,

Ever to a Heart return.


For centuries there have been some with eyes to see the divine Light all around them; there have been some who have resonated to the divine Love in all the living, non-human and human, even the depraved. But many more of us have only in recent years been opening our hearts to the reality of love in animals--shall we say Divine love?--because God is there in the flesh, in the lamb and in the lion. Most of us still have a very long, adventurous journey back to the Divine Heart, but we rejoice whenever we see a glimpse of that Heart now: God-With-Us "plays in ten thousand places." In Christian, the onetime pet lion released in Africa who never ceased to love his two humans, in Scoli the house cat who loved his enemies and made them into friends, God-with-us has four paws, and a tail, and whiskers.

--Gracia Fay Ellwood


Drawings are by Pauline Baynes. Painting, "Guardian" is by Dawn Davidson. For the poem "Splendor, see Heart . For a video clip of the reunion of Christian and his human fathers including earlier scenes, see Christian . For the story of Scoli, see House Cat .

Unset Gems

All life is one, and all its manifestations with which we have contact are climbing the ladder of evolution. The animals are our younger brothers and sisters, also on the ladder . . . . It is an important part of our responsibilities to help them in their ascent . . . . --Hugh Dowding
--Contributed by David Whiting

Thus Heavenward all things tend. For all were once
Perfect, and all must at length be restored.
--William Cowper, The Task, Book IV

News Notes

"Ban Chimp Testing"

--urges an editorial essay in Scientific American (SA) , in support of a bill now before Congress. It refers by name to chimp Bobby's experience as a Coulston testing subject, including his psychological suffering confined alone to a barren cage for years. When a mainline magazine like SA takes this stance, there is good hope.

--Contributed by Benjamin Urrutia


Pigs are Persons, Too


An advertising campaign led by Mercy for Animals (MFA) is challenging Chicago-area commuters and travelers to to see not "meat" but living beings. One ad shows an appealing puppy and piglet side-by-side. Another shows a bleeding mother pig in a crate, and asks "How much cruelty can you swallow?" See Mercy

--Contributed by Lorena Mucke

A Glimpse of the Peaceable Kingdom

Well, We Have a Lot in Common

A blissful-looking sea lion embraces a Humboldt penguin, who seems amenable.

--Contributed by Linda Terry

Special Request

An important part of the outreach of Quaker Animal Kinship (QUAK), the sponsor of The Peaceable Table, is distributing free copies of our 16-page-booklet "Are Animals Our Neighbors? Taking the View From Below", reviewed in PT 21 . The second printing is now nearly gone, and we need to print it again. Our goal is to raise a total of $1800.00, of which we already have $950.00. Funds for the first two printings came mostly from the pockets of members of QUAK, but we would be grateful to anyone who feels led to help us out now. We are now a nonprofit, so all donations are tax deductible. (If you would like to read the booklet first, e-mail or One can donate through PayPal (use the button below) or send a check to Treasurer's Assistant Kate Carpenter, 3280 Primavera, Pasadena, CA 91107.

Many thanks from QUAK.

Film Review: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Directed by Rupert Wyatt. Based on the classic science fiction novel "La Planete des Singes" ("The Planet of the Apes") by French novelist Pierre Boulle. Starring James Franco as Will Rodman, Andy Sirkis as Caesar, Tom Felton as the guard. 2011.

This film makes a total of eight film versions of Boulle's story of a world ruled by orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. It is the best one yet. The previous ones had humans masked or made up as apes; but in Rise, the anthropoids are computer-generated, which means both that they look a lot more convincing, and that no animals were exploited in filming. Andy Sirkis, who who ably portrayed Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, now does an even more amazing job as Caesar, the first of the super-intelligent apes.

The film opens with a scene in the African forest, where hunters with nets capture a female chimpanzee and ship her to America. In San Francisco, she becomes one of the experimental subjects of Will Rodman, a brilliant scientist who is seeking a cure for Alzheimer's disease. He has a personal stake in this: His father, Charles, suffers from the disease (which is very probably promoted by eating animals and products stolen from them). The story posits a human-made virus, ALZ 112, which has amazing results: The kidnapped chimp develops very high intelligence.

Fearful of a threat to her baby, she escapes from confinement just in time to disrupt Dr. Rodman's presentation. She is killed; the company shuts down the research and massacres the victims. Except one: the man ordered to "euthanize" them cannot murder the baby, and gives him instead to Will. Will's father, Charles, names the little one Caesar, after Shakespeare's tragic hero. Caesar has a happy childhood as Will's son, but once is injured by a bullying neighbor. The doctor (played by Freida Pinto) who treats Caesar's injury becomes Will's love interest.

Will succumbs to the temptation of trying ALZ112 on Charles, with wonderful results; but the transformation is only temporary. When Charles, again confused, is abused by the bullying neighbor, Caesar leaps to his defense but is subdued and confined to an ape sanctuary. The place looks pleasant, but this is a "Potemkin Village" illusion. When the visitors leave, Caesar and the other inmates are confined to crazy-making cages.

At least he makes a friend: an orangutan named Maurice, formerly a circus-performer slave. (The name is an inside joke: Dr. Zaius, an orangutan, a character in the novel and in the first movie, was played in the latter by Shakespearean actor Maurice Evans). Maurice knows sign language, and warns Caesar: "Careful. Human no like smart ape." The human in question is a sadistic guard, played by Tom Felton (no novice to villainy--he played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films.)

Charles Rodman dies. Will, despondent over losing both his father and his adopted son, bribes the administrator of the ape sanctuary to release Caesar to him. Reluctantly, the man agrees, but Caesar has developed a Bodhisattva conscience, and refuses to regain freedom while his fellow apes remain captive.

Will develops a new virus - the AZL 113, stronger than the AZL 112. The greedy director of the pharmaceutical company is so eager to make big profits that he neglects some important safety protocols. As a result, Franklin, Rodman's assistant (and, by cruel irony, the man who had spared Caesar's life) is infected, and dies within a few days (but not before accidentally sneezing blood on Rodman's hostile bully of a neighbor). AZL 113, airborne and highly contagious, makes apes intelligent but is deadly and quick for humans.

Caesar is frustrated by how easily his fellow inmates are dominated by the humans; he steals some ALZ113 and has all his fellow inmates breathe in enough to raise their IQ. Then the whole tribe breaks out of prison, attacks the pharmaceutical company building and free the chimps imprisoned there. They go to the San Francisco Zoo and liberate all the chimps, gorillas and orangutans. Seeking to reach the Redwood Forest, Caesar leads his people over the Golden Gate Bridge.

The police prepare a barricade - not with nets and cages, but with guns. The apes' weapons are speed, strength, agility, and their new intelligence. To avoid a spoiler, I will not describe ensuing battle and its outcome.

After the battle, and indeed after the credits begin, a pilot heads for the airport. Computerized maps show the virus spreading to Europe and to the heartland of Africa--an ironic reversal of the spread of HIV and AIDS, which spread from central Africa to America and to the rest of the world, indeed with the help of the miracle of jet travel. It is obvious that there will soon be a catastrophic drop in the human population, together with a meteoric rise in the intelligence of bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas, et al.

The great success of the second AZL virus for apes, but its deadly effect on humans, makes a conspicuous point against experimenting on animals. Even those who share 98% of our DNA are different enough for us that they may react very differently to viruses and drugs. Is this a surprise? Experimenters long tried to infect monkeys and apes with HIV (the AIDS virus), but never succeeded. Such experiments on them are not only cruel, they are often futile and sometimes backfire.

I certainly recommend this movie as pro-animal, but not to people of tender feelings, who would be disturbed by the violence. Two groups of people I would strongly encourage to see the film: those who are in favor of animal experimentation, and those who have not made up their minds.
-Benjamin Urrutia


Milanese Green Beans
1 lb. green beans
2/3 cup brown rice
juice of 1/2 small lemon
Vegan parmesan (we suggest Parma)
3 T Spectrum Spread or other vegan "butter"
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 T chopped parsley
Roasted sunflower seeds

Put the rice on to cook with about 1 1/2 cups water or broth. Snip and cut the beans; put on to steam for 15-20 minutes. Drain bottom steamer pan, reserving broth; put beans in bottom pan. Add parsley, vegan butter and garlic; stir and simmer for about 5 minutes. Add lemon juice and vegan parmesan; add a little of the bean broth if needed to thin the sauce. Stir. Serve on a bed of rice and top liberally with sunflower seeds.

The combination of lemon, garlic and vegan parmesan make for a very interesting and delectable main dish. This recipe is veganized from one in Sonya Richmond's International Vegetarian Cookery, 1965.

Spectrum Spread is not very satisfactory, as it doesn't melt properly. I stopped using Earth Balance after learning that its palm oil comes from new plantations in the east Indies that are displacing human and baboon residents. If you find a good alternative, please let us know.
--Gracia Fay Ellwood

Strawberry Dessert

8 oz. frozen strawberries
3 T. coconut milk
3 T. sugar (If coconut milk is sweetened, reduce sugar to 2 T.)

Half-thaw the strawberries. Then smash them up. Add the coconut milk. Then add sugar. Stir it up and enjoy.

--Fay Elanor Ellwood

This is veganized from a recipe Fay-Ellen made up when she was eight.

Pioneer: Hugh Dowding (1882-1970)


Hugh Dowding, head of the Royal Air Force's Fighter Command in 1940, is widely credited with leading his country to victory in the desperate days of the Battle of Britain, and thus with saving Britain and perhaps much of western civilization from Nazi tyranny. But there is more to this remarkable man than that spectacular achievement. He also became a spiritualist, theosophist, vegetarian, and advocate on behalf of animals, especially after his marriage in 1951 to Muriel Whiting. Indeed, such concerns helped to draw this devoted pair together. Here is his story.


Military Leader
Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding was born in Moffat, Scotland to an English family in modest circumstances. His youthful ambition was to be an engineer. He entered the Royal Military Academy, earning enough marks to gain a commission; in 1900 he joined the Royal Garrison Artillery. However, after his commission he became interested in a new frontier: flying. He stayed in the Army to help develop the air wing, rising to Brigadier General and commanding air squadrons during the tumultuous years of World War I. In 1918 he married Clarice Vancourt, who died only two years later, leaving him with a young stepdaughter and toddler son. Dowding devoted the inter-war years to the Royal Air Force, fighting numerous bureaucratic battles to obtain for it the state-of-the-art equipment he knew it needed. This included new technology that was developed into the world’s first radar control system, the Dowding system still used today.

By World War II Dowding was in charge of Fighter Command. His brilliant deployment of limited reserves of planes and personnel deprived Hitler of that control of the air necessary for an invasion of Britain and final victory. It was of Dowding's pilots during the 1940 "Blitz" that Winston Churchill said, that August, "Never . . . was so much owed by so many to so few. " However, only three months later, after the worst was over, Dowding was relieved of Fighter Command. His next assignment was in Canada and the United States in connection with obtaining military supplies, and at the same time winning support for Britain's cause.

We cannot enter into the strong debate around this action of the military high command, except to make two points. First, Dowding's months in North America, appearing as a hero who could speak first-hand of Britain's struggle, helped consolidate American support in those months before Pearl Harbor, possibly doing more good than continued service with Fighter Command would have. Second, none of those who removed and replaced him are much remembered, whereas Dowding continues to the honored as the victorious commander in England's skies when they were darkest. As though in compensation, he was made Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, and after his retirement in 1942, he was honored with a peerage, as Baron Dowding of Bentley Priory, which entitled him to a seat in the House of Lords. This was to be important for the animals.


(Friends' commitment to the Peace Testimony means that we do not participate in warfare, which always does much harm to participants and to civilians as well as sometimes preventing worse evil. However, in situations of threat and danger we Friends must be as ready to sacrifice comforts and lay down our lives (some have done so) as were the WW II airmen of the Royal Air Force. All instances of self-giving courage and love have something of the divine in them, and as such merit our respect.)


Voice for the Voiceless
It was after retirement that Dowding's other interests began to surface. Deeply troubled by thoughts of the many brave young airmen who had lost their lives in battle, he responded sympathetically to bereaved parents and widows who contacted him; he himself came to believe he could contact many of the departed through spiritualist mediums. (His writings also show compassion for fallen German soldiers.) It was one of those widows who subsequently became his second wife. It was she who led Hugh, already open to the Other Side of things, to his passionate animal concerns and, indirectly, to vegetarianism. (See PT 74, Muriel Dowding) Even before their marriage, she encouraged him to use his membership in the House of Lords to make speeches and support legislation on behalf of animals, which he enthusiastically did.


His stands were baffling to some, and he himself sometimes caustically observed how out of place he always seemed among the beef-eating "hearties" who tended to predominate in the Armed Service, and the fox-hunting peers of the Lords. But he cared, and he was uncompromising.

The development of Dowding's thought in respect to animals can be traced through his post-retirement writing. His first spiritualist book, Many Mansions (London, 1943), tells us that there are animals in heaven, birds because of the beauty they add to the Elysian scenes, and horses, oxen, and dogs because of their association with humans (pp. 79-80). The author also says, "If ever I get to Heaven I will give up my roast beef and my glass of port, I will give up my shooting and fishing. . . [These] have no rational appeal beyond the grave -- rather music, color, the supreme joy of unselfish love and charity." (p. 46-47) In Lychgate, (London, 1945) he speaks further of animals in the world of spirit, mentioning that the intimacy between an animal and a human promotes an animal's wellbeing in the next life.


In The Dark Star (London, 1951), written after Muriel's influence had come into his life, Dowding inveighs against cruelty in animal slaughter, saying "in the comparatively near future" people will cease to kill animals for food or clothing, though he grants this cannot happen all at once, because of the issue of what to do with the domestic animals now on hand (p 184-85).


But Dowding was clearly thinking deeply about the matter, and he did not stop at this stage. Muriel encouraged him to find out what actually went on when animals were killed for meat. She wrote that about a year after their marriage, and after she had challenged him to inform himself:

During the next few weeks, Hugh would go off early in the mornings without telling me where he was going. This was most unusual because we were extremely close and he would often ask me to accompany him, wherever he might be going.

. . . . Instead, however, he began returning late at night and shutting himself in his study. He was obviously disturbed about something but, although we had such a close affinity, I did not want to pry.
However, Sunday arrived and it was time for Hugh to carve the joint of salt beef. He stood up slowly, looked across the table at me and said quietly: "Would you mind sharing your vegetarian dish with me? Don't ever get any animal flesh in the house on my account again."
From that time onwards, both Hugh and David [Muriel's son] became strict vegetarians. Hugh had, he later explained, been out early in the mornings to visit three slaughterhouses. What he had seen there had disturbed and disgusted him so deeply that he could no longer bring himself to eat meat. (Muriel Dowding, The Psychic Life of Muriel, the Lady Dowding: An Autobiography, p. 134)

Before long Hugh would be helping Muriel in her signature business, Beauty Without Cruelty, and with her famous Sunday luncheon parties at their estate to introduce vegetarian cuisine to influential people.
Dowding was also concerned about animal experimentation. In July 1957 he declared in the House of Lords:

I firmly believe that painful experiments on animals are morally wrong, and that it is basically immoral to do evil in order that good may come -- even if it were proved that mankind benefits from the suffering inflicted on animals. I further believe that, in the vast majority of cases, mankind does not so benefit, and the results of vivisection are, in fact, misleading and harmful. (Vincent Orange, Dowding of Fighter Command, p. 264).

By then Dowding had been firmly vegetarian for several years, and had given up hunting. He did all he could to assist Lady Dowding in her whirlwind of activity on behalf of the animal causes they both supported.

And their household included many furry refugees.


In 1973, the [British] National Anti-Vivisection Society established "The Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research" to honor his memory and to promote research into methods of testing products and pharmaceuticals that do not depend on the use of animals.


All Life is One

We will give the last word to Hugh Dowding, Architect of Deliverance in more senses than one. From his speech in the Lords on July 18, 1957:

All life is one, and all its manifestations with which we have contact are climbing the ladder of evolution. The animals are our younger brothers and sisters, also on the ladder . . . . It is an important part of our responsibilities to help them in their ascent, and not to retard their development by cruel exploitation of their helplessness.
What I am now saying, if people would realise it, is of very great practical importance, because failure to recognise our responsibilities towards the animal kingdom is the cause of many of the calamities which now beset the nations of the world. Nearly all of us have a deep-rooted wish for peace, peace on earth; but we shall never attain to true peace – the peace of love, and not the uneasy equilibrium of fear – until we recognise the place of animals in the scheme of things and treat them accordingly.

--Robert Ellwood


Our thanks to David Whiting for supplying the photos and the final quotation from his stepfather's 1957 speech in the Lords. The big marmalade cat was named Robertson; the (rescued) black dog was named Timmy. The group photo shows a visit by the Dowdings to Ferne Animal Sanctuary in Somerset.

Poetry: Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1889

As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame;
As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell's
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selves- goes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying What I do is me: for that I came.

I say more: the just man justices;
Keeps gráce: thát keeps all his goings graces;
Acts in God's eye what in God's eye he is--
Chríst. For Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of men's faces.

The Peaceable Table is intended to be interactive; contributions, including illustrations, are invited for the next issue. Deadline for the November issue will be Oct. 25, 2011. Send to or 10 Krotona Hill, Ojai, CA 93023. We operate primarily online in order to conserve trees and labor, but hard copy is available for interested persons who are not online. The latter are asked, if their funds permit, to donate $12 (USD) per year. Other donations are welcome.

Editor: Gracia Fay Ellwood
Book and Film Reviewers: Benjamin Urrutia & Robert Ellwood
Recipe Editor: Angela Suarez
NewsNotes Editors: Lorena Mucke and Marian Hussenbux
Technical Architect: Richard Scott Lancelot Ellwood
